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Body Liberation! Aim for STRONG—You Can't Go Wrong

Body Liberation!

Aim for STRONG; You Can't Go Wrong

With the advent of the sixties, liberated ladies began warring with their womanly bodies, trying to fit into a new boyish ideal. Thin was officially IN. This size obsession and its resulting diet culture persists today. Coincidentally, so does the conviction that, after a major life transition like divorce, slimming down is a revitalizing psychological morale boost.

Fortunately, what has changed is an innovative outlook on self-care. Women are frustrated with fighting a losing body battle that can never be won. I abandoned that controlling weight-loss roller coaster myself when I discovered a more enlightened, effective approach that honors my body instead of terrorizing it. This empowered enjoyment of enhanced well-being now forms the very foundation of my current programs.

As a certified fitness professional, I saw certain women so compulsively focused on the scale's readout were doing themselves a disservice. Picture a program participant crying openly, lamenting her dismal results. Her problem wasn't weight, but lifestyle. Never prioritizing her needs, she remained perpetually stressed and depleted.

When everything boils down to that be-all-end-all number, it's the pronouncement of "failure". Cue the debilitating guilt and shame that makes for an abject loss of confidence and self-worth. I vowed to support my clients more successfully by addressing these emotions.

Now, as a Gentle Trauma Release Practitioner, I see how the results of trauma are key underlying factors when women disconnect from their bodies and ignore their needs, abused by their harshly unrelenting inner critic.

Trauma has played a part in every single one of my client's struggles with body image, weight management, or self-neglect. How do we feel more powerful and self-loving in our bodies? Forget thin; focus on strong.

Your body is your lifelong companion so prioritize your body's strength and longevity, regardless of its size. There is no pass or fail here. It's all about just feeling good, relishing life in your physical form.

Ditch dieting! Nourish your body; savor the joy of your senses. Train not for weight loss but to celebrate movement. Strive to look the way you love simply to please yourself, not to prove your worth to others. You never need to play small to meet another's approval. Be your authentic self, knowing you might not suit everyone.

Just be you for YOU. Let me be your guide!

Ramonak Coaching Trauma-Empowerment-Personal Training

The misconception that trauma only happens after blatant abuse or catastrophic events is absolutely untrue.

Ramona Kossowan

Certified Women’s Empowerment Coach

Gentle Trauma Release Practitioner

Fitness Trainer


This article was originally published in Summer (June 1st) Life Changes Magazine 2024 by Ramona Kossowan. Read the original article here.

Note: The author, compiler and publisher do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party due to these words coming from the author’s own opinion based on their experiences. This account is based on the author’s own personal experience. We assume no responsibility for errors or omissions in these articles.