Divorce Magazine Canada & Life Changes Magazine

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Disrupting the Stigma

As presented by Deena Kordt, owner & publisher of Divorce Magazine Canada, during The Today Centre’s 2023 “Help Today, Hope Tomorrow” Fundraising Breakfast, including some additional content:

I offer a trigger warning, without apology.
To disrupt the stigma, we have to face the harsh realities.
Once you are more aware, you will start to recognize what is out there. And there are no trigger warnings in real life.

Three years ago I lost a friend in a brutal, violent, senseless way.
Her death in a murder / suicide, right here in Alberta, shook my world.
I am no stranger to domestic abuse. I lived with it for most of my life.
Does that make it any easier to process, to deal with a loss like this, to understand violence & abuse? No. Why?
Because for most of the years I was living it, I was in denial.. comparing my situation to ones like my murdered friend.
Because many victims compare their experiences with extremes or have grown up in abusive homes, they are unaware that their situation is abusive and damaging.

I met him when I was 18. He was 23. And I was the perfect victim…

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