Financial Peace of Mind
The word “finance” evokes so many emotions in people that it can stop them in their tracks. Add in the word “divorce” and it becomes debilitating to a lot of people. The basic fear of not knowing what the result will be can create more havoc, conflict, time loss, and ultimately, higher costs to reach a resolution.
In 2003, my Aunt was going through a difficult time making financial decisions from her divorce, and I realized that there were no specific financial professionals that I knew of that could help out women through their financial divorce issues and concerns. I felt that I wanted to help all women who have found themselves in the same situation, and I worked hard to obtain my specialized designation as a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst™ (CDFA). During my 25-year career in the financial industry, I have obtained additional designations as a Certified Financial Planner® (CFP), Chartered Financial Divorce Specialist® (CFDS), and Registered Collaborative Professional. I have been able to help many clients, both men and women, who are worried about their financial futures and feel they need someone to help educate them on their finances before they make any legal decisions.
Whether you go through mediation, arbitration, collaborative or court, my expertise and guidance ensure your financial interests, tax adjustments, pension legislation, and your future financial outcome is taken into consideration. I offer the following specialized services which is helpful to both clients and lawyers:
• Gathering the required financial documentation and organization for your case file to provide to your lawyer.
• Determining guideline income for Child and Spousal Support purposes.
• Assistance with creating a household budget and managing cash flow and debt.
• Clarification on pension valuations, pension legislation, how it is processed and managed post-divorce.
• Identifying tax-efficient options of splitting the marital property, and any financial risks associated with a proposed financial settlement.
• Provide short-term and long-term projections of proposed financial settlements.
The fear you are experiencing is normal, and you just need a financial divorce professional to help guide you.
Separating finances can be confusing and know that I will help you every step of the way to find a solution.
Prospera Solutions offers a specialized, fee-based service to help you reach and understand a proposed financial divorce settlement. Family law lawyers will help you with the legal issues of a divorce or separation but cannot provide the expertise on the financial matters. And, having your lawyer gather all of the financial documentation that is necessary for your case file can be expensive. We offer a cost-effective service to help you keep your legal costs down, and provide the financial guidance and advice to help you reach a fair and equitable settlement.
Our Certified Divorce Financial Analyst™ will review your financial interests for a matrimonial property settlement, and provide you and your lawyer with powerful data to support your case. A CDFA™ is trained to:
• properly gather, screen and document the financial data of the marital property,
• determine the short-term and long-term financial impact of a proposed settlement,
• explain tax adjusted values of assets,
• offer valuable insight into the pros and cons of different settlement proposals,
• help you avoid the common financial pitfalls of divorce,
• create personalized reports and graphs illustrating the financial status, cash flow, and net worth of both parties,
• provide financial documents to lawyer upon request.
Prospera Solutions also offers the services of a Registered Collaborative Professional.
A Registered Collaborative Professional (RCP) is someone who has completed the specialized collaborative law training to obtain this designation. The benefits of using the Collaborative process:
• encourages mutual respect,
• identifies and addresses interests and concerns of all parties,
• utilizes a problem-solving approach,
• emphasizes the needs of children.
• provide financial documents to lawyer upon request.
DIVORCE SOLUTIONS - Our Registered Collaborative Professional will act as a Financial Neutral on your Collaborative divorce team and provide all the professional insight as a Certified Financial Divorce Analyst.
If you are going through a separation or divorce don’t gamble with your future; book a free consultation today!
Holly Brady
Prospera Solutions