Divorce Magazine Canada & Life Changes Magazine

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She thought she had tried everything...

Hypnosis helps Tanya shed 45 lbs in 7 months.

Here’s her story:

“I have tried everything since I was in my teens to lose weight, anything and everything from protein diets, herbal magic, weight loss pills and supplements, extreme workouts to even gastric sleeve weight loss surgery!!

In the end the result was always the same, the weight came back! Prior to booking my Free Screening I was feeling uncertain, unfocused, anxious, hopeless and unwell.

This experience with hypnosis is completely different because you are tapping into your subconscious mind which is the only way to succeed to eliminate bad habits and to add positive ones! With hypnosis I feel energized and confident with myself and the goals I want to achieve. I feel safe knowing I have the tools through hypnosis and suggestions to overcome obstacles and take on new positive challenges.

I wasn’t even trying and my mind was working for me, automatically choosing to not overeat, craving water and healthy foods, even feeling the need to exercise!

The more I listened to the hypnosis audio and zoom meets with my coach Trisha Fuller the more we set the mind for success!

I have never had support like this in my life! I can’t say enough to thank Trisha Fuller for her knowledge and full support every step of the journey in the last 7 months since I started hypnosis.

It’s a support system made just for you with regular updates. If something wasn’t working we added a new suggestion, if somethin was working we expanded on that!

A hypnosis program specially tailored to you! I am so excited to continue on this journey to getting in touch with my inner self and eliminate more self-destructive behaviors and add more positive healthy behaviors! I am taking positive actions and having positive thoughts automatically!

Overall it’s like magic to get in touch with yourself, your subconscious mind is there you just have to get in touch with it in this lifetime so you can be able to accomplish and conquer the everyday world!

I am learning and experiencing the power of my mind and that gives me great hope and a sense of peace in my life.

Do it for yourself, do it for the ones you love, you can be a positive force that reflects on everyone!

I am so glad I decided to do hypnosis!” ~ Tanya Foidart
*individual results vary

Contact us for your own FREE SCREENING. Online services available across Canada.

Trisha Fuller
The Canadian Hypnosis Academy