Our Community
Needs You!

An ideal niche audience of 14,000+ and
a vast network of referral partners.

Join our team of Trusted Professionals:

Over 14,000 of your ideal clients are here. They’re looking for you. Come meet them!

  • have your informative article & ad featured in these credible publications

  • 4 online flipbook issues each year in our magazines

  • get in front of more people, more often & include interactive links

  • join forces with an Alberta-based, female-owned company

  • we’ve got the #1 divorce podcast in Canada! and ours is in the top 10 divorce magazines in the world!

    A vast network of referral partners awaits you!

NEW in 2024!

“Life Changes Magazine”

Do you offer services related to:

  • health/wellness/fitness

  • finance/real estate

  • career/education/retirement

  • relationships

  • aging/death/grief

  • parenting

  • personal growth & development

Don’t miss out! The deadline for the Winter Issue is October 30th


For a limited time when you advertise in Life Changes Magazine**, you get $200 OFF a LIVE ON-AIR INTERVIEW!
on the
”Connected with Cari Show” on JessTV, JessFM & Underground Radio C Podcast.
Cari’s 40 min. show has 150k listeners on average in its 7:00 pm slot on Saturdays.
And you can be featured there!
A $777 value!
**contact us for details


Get even more value with 4x the space.

Increase your visibility and reach.

Not sure if your service is a fit?

Let's chat!

50% of your potential clients are likely dealing with a divorce & an even higher number are considering or in the middle of a major life change.

We can connect you with them!

Your Feature*:
- 2 pages with 800-word article & ad
- 1 page with 400-word article & ad
- 1/2 page with 100-word article & ad
- 1/4 page with 50-word article & ad
*Your feature space for each quarter.

Click image to see our current packages

There are also sponsorship opportunities available at our events and on our podcast
Contact us to learn more.