With Joshua Shea

Can you get addicted to porn? What are some of the symptoms? How does this affect your life & relationships?

Joshua Shea is a former pornography addict-turned-expert on a mission to get the world talking about pornography addiction, betrayal trauma, and the importance of truth and communication in relationships. He's given a TED Talk, and written four books on the subject.

Shea is a certified coach in the areas of pornography addiction, betrayal trauma and is a therapeutic disclosure specialist. He has worked with over 500 individuals and couples since becoming a full-time coach in 2020. 

Prior to admitting his addiction in 2014, Joshua was a prominent magazine publisher, award-winning journalist, film festival founder and politician in central Maine. Early on, he recognized recovery was far more than just quitting the negative behavior of his addiction. It was about answering the questions: "Why did I become an addict, How did that make me the person I am today, What must I do to become the person I was truly born to be?"

Shea has given more interviews about pornography addiction than anybody on Earth since 2018. He has appeared on over 350 podcasts, television and radio shows using his personal story to promote the ideas that porn addiction spans all demographics and those with a problem should seek help before it’s too late, as it became in his case.

Sober and relapse-free since early 2014, Joshua still lives in Central Maine with his wife and two children, 4 dogs and 7 cats.

For more information, you can find Joshua online:
Website: ThatCornCoach.com
Tiktok: @ThatCornCoach 
His books on Amazon: Joshua Shea 
Email: paddictrecovery@gmail.com 
LinkedIn: Joshua Shea 

Watch the video of this interview on our YouTube channel.

Books Josh mentioned:
"Your Brain on Porn: Internet Pornography and the Emerging Science of Addiction" - Gary Wilson
"Going Deeper: How the Inner Child Impacts Your Sexual Addiction" - Ed Capparucci
"The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We do in Life and Business" - Charles Duhigg


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