#121 Rock Bottom Recovery 101

With Zan Gallant

A men's recovery coach takes us through a mini workshop with his recovery coaching process.

Zan Gallant of Gallant Coaching describes himself as just "a regular dude who fought his way out of the grip of addiction and entirely changed my life for the better, and now I help others do the same!" He's a certified wellness/personal development coach and outpatient recovery/treatment facilitator. He believes in recovering out loud while taking responsibility for his choices and build a life you don't have a burning desire to escape from.

Read his guest blog "Your Rock Bottom is Whenever You Stop Digging the Hole" on Divorce Magazine Canada.


For more information, you can find Zan online:
Website: Gallant Coaching
LinkedIn: Zan Gallant
Instagram: Gallant Coaching

Watch the video of this interview on our YouTube channel.

Zan on Episode #88 "Recovery from Rock Bottom"


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#119 Confident & Sexually Empowered