With Tim Andrews

DON'T MAX OUT YOUR CREDIT CARDS to pay for legal fees!
Find out what financing solutions are available to help you get through your divorce or while settling an estate.

Tim Andrews of BridgePoint Financial joins one of our online support groups to share how this company has been helping Canadians for 20 years with their legal fees and other expenses. Divorce is already stressful enough, but the financial strain that legal fees can cause may affect how you navigate the process - resulting in an outcome that isn't ideal. With the help of bridge financing, you can focus on the other issues and know that the costs will be manageable. AND you don't need a credit check to qualify! They can also help you with bridge financing while settling an estate. All this and more on the episode.


For more information, you can find Tim Andrews online:
Website: Bridge Point Financial
LinkedIn: Bridgepoint Financial
Facebook: BridgePoint Financial
Email: andrews@bpfin.com
BridgePoint: 1 888 800 4966

Watch the video of this interview on our YouTube channel.

Tim Andrews on Episode #91 "Easy Access to Financial Help"

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#113 Hope in Hell: Abuse & the Law


#111 Helping Children Understand Divorce