With Cyndy Morin & Carrie McManus

1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men experience domestic violence.
This violence is not just physical. And it’s an epidemic that can’t be ignored.
Alberta has the 3rd highest rate in Canada with Red Deer having the highest per capita rate in the whole country.It is close to home for all of us. 
If it isn’t affecting you directly, then you definitely know someone who is not safe.

In today’s episode I am joined by family lawyer Cyndy Morin of Resolve Legal Group and Carrie McManus, Director of Innovation & Programs with Sagesse to discuss how the law intersects with abuse.

To find out more:
Website: Sagesse
LinkedIn: Sagesse
Instagram: sagessecalgary
Facebook: Sagesse
Real Talk Workshops
Donate & Volunteer with Sagesse

Website: Resolve Legal Group
Phone: 403-229-2365
Facebook: Resolve Legal Group
Instagram: resolve.legal.group
LinkedIn: Resolve Legal Group

Other Links:
Get emergency protection
Restraining protection orders
Albert family wellness initiative

Watch "Maid" on Netflix

If you are experiencing abuse, or want to support someone who is, there are many resources available for you.

Find help:
The Today Centre (Edmonton)
Women on Wings (Calgary)
Women's Shelters (Alberta) 
Women's Shelters (Canada)

Watch the video of this interview on our YouTube channel.

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#114 Declutter and Transform


#112 Financing Solutions