With Dr. Stephen Hobbs

Your 'Legacy Tree' - Start Growing It Now!

Why wait to (possibly) become a legend one day, when you're gone - live it now!

Meet Dr. Stephen Hobbs
Your Guide on the Ride!
Your Navigator through the Gates!
He's an ager - in his 70th revolution of the sun (2024). He walks as a "Solo-Ager". As to Older to Elder, he's exploring what it means for him.

Over the years, across many continents, he gathered evidence-based wisdom. Now, he wants to use his "wellth of experiences" and transform them into tools and techniques to encourage youngers-olders-elders (soloagers) in living a hale and hearty life through mentoring as legacy contributions with clarity, confidence, and commitment without wasting time, effort, and money.

Dr. Hobbs is working through https://WELLthMovement.com
FOR the World … WITH the Planet … FROM the Whole.

Join Dr. Hobbs the 3rd Saturday each month @ 10:00 (MST) for his workshop: "Evidence, Education & Experience". 
Live on his 'Older Elder' YouTube channel.

For more information, you can find Stephen online:
LinkedIn: StephenHobbsCalgary
YouTube: YoungerOlderElder
YouTube: MentorPractices
YouTube: AwarenessFromForests 
Pinterest: Wellth Movement

Twitter: @wellthlearning
Twitter: @allthingsmentor

Instagram: DrStephenHobbs
FaceBook Group: Wellth Movement


Watch the video of this interview on our YouTube channel.


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