Hibernation Time is Reflection Time

cozy woman

Winter is a time for snuggling into blankets and cocooning on long dark nights. This quiet time creates the perfect space for reflection. People start to think about what they want in the coming year. If life is not as satisfying as it could be, the new year becomes a symbol for taking charge and creating change.

What are your hopes for the new year? Are you happy with your career? Is it time to make a change? How much longer do you want to work at a job that isn’t going anywhere?

The actor Steve Harvey says, “You are never too old to reinvent yourself.” Reinvention comes with reflection and planning.

When I was a little girl, I remember my mom getting her seed catalogues in February. On cold snowy days, it was hard to think that in a few months, the snow would be gone, the sun would be starting to shine brighter, and the days would be getting longer. But the time to plant seeds for the future starts when the seed catalogues come in the dead of winter. What would we plant? What would we want to harvest in the fall? These decisions were always made in the dark days of winter, not in spring or summer.

Our lives are like the gardening process. We start to plan the seeds of our spring and summer life seasons in our times of winter. It is in our darkest times that we dream of a better future. We reflect on what is working and what needs to change. What steps do we want to take and what are we willing to do to make our lives better?

As we settle into colder days and long winter nights, it’s time to curl up in front of the fireplace, maybe with a cup of tea or a glass of wine and take stock of what we want the new year to bring. What’s your career plan for the coming year? Do you need to reflect on what is important to you and align your values with your career plan? Will you start planting the seeds of your life now to create the future you want?

Career Consultant


This article, authored by Ann Nakaska, was published in the Winter 2024 issue of Life Changes Magazine. To read the full newsletter, click here: Winter 2024 LCM.

Meet the Author - Ann Nakaska

Ann Nakaska, a career consultant and educator, specializes in career decision making and career development. She began her career as a school practitioner after reading William Bridges' book Jobshift, which highlighted the need for people to develop their skills for the workplace changes. Nakaska believes that education around career skills is crucial for everyone, and she has since transitioned from a school practitioner to a career consultant and educator, specializing in career decision making. This book has significantly impacted her career path and career development.

Note: The author, compiler and publisher do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party due to these words coming from the author’s own opinion based on their experiences. This account is based on the author’s own personal experience. We assume no responsibility for errors or omissions in these articles.


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